
WOOMB International – World Organisation Ovulation Method Billings – continues the work of its founders the late Drs John and Evelyn Billings who established the Billings Ovulation Method® of natural fertility regulation.

Since the deaths of Dr John Billings in 2007 and Dr Lyn Billings in 2013 many people around the world have spoken of their saintly lives and expressed the hope that one day that will be so recognised by the Church.

The Cause for Canonisation, if opened, will require documentation of, amongst other things, evidence that Faithful people have been praying to Drs John and Lyn Billings, seeking their intercession for various intentions; particularly for healing of loved ones.

This blog provides and opportunity for you to leave a comment about the prayers you have made to this saintly couple in order that others can join in your prayers, and we can have a record of such intercessions.